call us : 815.633.9447 Mon - Fri: 7:00 - 3:30


Frequently Asked Questions ?

Do you have any questions ? We have answers to some commonly-asked questions below. If you don’t see the answer to a question you have, please fill out the form on our Contact Us page and we will be in touch with you, or call us today!

1. Do you give quotes over the phone ?

Yes, our office staff is equipped to provide general quotes over the phone. However, some jobs require a more in-depth approach. For those jobs, we like to set up a time where one of our technicians can visit with you and provide you a free no obligation estimate. Or if you like, we offer you the option of speaking with a technician over the phone.

2. What type of applications do you handle?

We can handle almost any industrial, commercial, and municipal fluid management application! Common applications include drainage systems, hot or cold condensate, water pressure booster systems, and effluent or liquid waste management.

3. Do you work with engineers or contractors?

Yes, we frequently work with engineers and contractors, in addition to working directly with end-customers.

4. What is pump system head, and how is it estimated?

Pumps must be capable of lifting the liquid from the lowest level (shut-off level in sump) to the highest level in the piping system, which is generally where to discharge empties into an open tank or gravity  sewer pipe or manhole.  It is this vertical distance in feet plus the liquid friction losses that occur during actual pumping.  Friction losses largely depend on three things; the rate of flow in GPM (gallons per minute), the internal diameter and surface roughness of the pipe, and the total length of the discharge piping.  The calculated head is called the system head and can be plotted on a graph in relation the flow.  For complex systems, a plumbing engineer or civil engineer should be consulted.

5. What is pump system flow, and how is it estimated?

In general, the pump flow rated should be  based on the peak flow possible from the system.  This can vary greatly due to different soil conditions and water table level in groundwater pumping systems such  as footing tile sump pumps for building lower levels.  Sewage and effluent pump rates are based on the connected and future plumbing fixtures.  Plumbing design manuals can be consulted for specific fixture capacities.  Consulting engineers are used for larger installations.

6. Should I use a single or multiple pump system?

Where reliability or meeting local plumbing code is a concern, the owner may install a duplex (2 installed pumps) pump system rather than a simplex (1 installed pump) pump system.  In a duplex installation, each pump is sized to carry the design load with the second pump acting as a back-up.  The pumps can be automatically alternated by the control system or manually alternated by personnel to ensure capability.  A high level alarm float switch can be installed between the operating start level of the two pumps to signal that the duty pump (lead pump) in not functional.

7. What if my application includes pumping solid particles?

Many pump systems are capable of pumping solids, and have varying sizes of solids handling capabilities.  Effluent pumps suitable for drainage or groundwater are generally rated for 1/2″ solids.  Sewage effluent pumps (pumping the treated water from septic tanks are also rated for 1/2″ spherical solids.  Sewage pumps, pumps used for domestic raw sewage are rated for 2″, 2-1/4″, 2-1/2″, 3″, and 4″.  Typically residential and light commercial applications require 2″ solid size handling.  Commercial and institutional installations operate more reliably with 2-1/2″ and 3″ solid size pumps.  Municipal projects use 3″ solid size or greater.